Promote YOUR Site Every Day! Consider lost every day that you didn't do at least something to promote your site - consider such a day lost, a day wasted. Each day you miss to promote your site is exactly why you will have to wait longer for the future you have chosen for yourself.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

Once you finish and publish your site, concentrate your efforts to market and promote your site everywhere - online and offline. Do your homework properly and put down every marketing possibility you can think of. Make a list and keep it open since you will need to add new opportunities you come across or that appear. Put comments to the individual items as to the period within which you can expect results.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

After you finish this, prepare an exact marketing plan, covering your short-term and long-term marketing activities and stating clearly what you have to do daily, weekly, monthly, how much time you need to accomplish individual tasks to meet your goals. Leave enough time every day for you to watch out for new opportunities.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

Think about each task - how to do it, the exact addresses, ways, whether you can automate it and how. Put everything on one sheet or into one file. Once you have this done, simply take it as a must and every day without bargaining or postponing, fulfil the stated tasks at the given time. Sometimes you will have to persuade yourself to do the same boring tasks every day but do until the routine develops, and if it happens and you don't perform a task, you will not feel well, you will have a foul feeling.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

Except for this routine, be on the watch for new marketing ways all the time. Never say 'I do the daily tasks, it's enough.' Nothing is enough to promote your site. Nothing is enough to achieve your goals the soonest, to see the results as quickly as possible. Nothing is enough to make your happy future to become your daily reality the fastest you can manage. It is in your hands.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

Make use of every opportunity, of every idea or way you pass, try and test and check the results. You can never say without trying what will work for your site and what won't. The right way can easily be the only one way you won't try.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

Welcome every opportunity you meet to promote your site and think 'this is the crucial way that will make it all happen'. This way you develop a habit that will make you try and test everything. And this is the only way to be sure you do everything possible and what is even more important: this is the only way to SUCCEED.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

And remember: You have to develop a foul feeling whenever you finish a day and you didn't do something to promote your site. Whatever: to place an ad to thousands, to publish an article, to send out an info - there are literally hundreds of ways and when you mix them, the effects will multiply, and very soon you will be able to lie in the sun all the year round with your site securing you pretty fat cheques delivered to you on your beach if this is what you want for your bright future.

Promote YOUR Site Every Day!

We are expecting you impatiently on the beach.